I’m Laurie Elizabeth, and since my earliest childhood I’ve known that I’ve lived many times before. Nobody informed me – I just knew. I’ve always known that I am not who my body is, but who inhabits my body, my mind, the me behind the server. That person behind my closed eyes. When I go to sleep at night, the one who thinks my thoughts well, I’ve never really thought of myself as being particularly psychic or intuitive. I do feel great empathy, especially for humans and animals who can’t help themselves and I respect those who have abilities beyond the average person’s senses. I have studied this stuff since I can remember starting with folks about ghost hunters and hauntings in elementary school, and graduating to psychic phenomena, miracles, auras, visions and anything else I could get my hands on through high school.
My family was blessed to have a friend who practiced astrology, I mean really practiced. She was taught by her mother, and her mother practiced with those, would learn from great names like Dain, Rudger, and Lewis, Bowden, astrologers of the 19 thirties and forties.Catherine only did charge manually. In other words, she did all the mathematical calculations of the chart, using Justin Ephemeris, which is a map of Precalculated planetary placements by year.No computer, no calculator, and Catherine’s Astrazeneca rings my chart in progress. Charts were accurate about 95% of the time, and that since my twenties through my fifties, I believe that’s a strong statement for both the talent and the astallager and the relationships that underpins their awareness and intuition of their client. I don’t do charts myself. I learned the language of astrology from Katherine, and all of the subtle nuances of how the dance of the planets influenced life on earth, and I learned that while it’s not predictive strategy provides a barometer that lets us know when times are favorable for people, places, things, and undertakings or not.
I’ve had many incredible conversations with everyone, from total strangers, gold friends and family that’s how our dearly departed loved ones, both human and animal, find ways to let us know that they’re still with us, watching over us, loving us is still aware of what we’re living, even though they’ve passed on.
My own stories as well, I’m thinking now is that this is something that is universal and more and more people are experiencing it. They know and have no trouble, believing that what they’re experiencing is real, if only, and especially to them, no matter where I am, whether I talk with people.
I’ve just met, or in conversation with friends just about everybody has an interest in these things that help us to realize there’s something greater than ourselves within ourselves. I’ve talked with academics, medical doctors, politicians, hundreds of regular people, and the vast majority of them are of the opinion that there has to be something more to life than what we experiences every day quote unquote reality we’re all wondering the same things.
And I have tons of questions, especially when it comes to practices, pathways, and exceptions that seem to exist on a parallel plane to our everyday life.