EPISODE #29 - Medium Nellie Walter: The Psychic Next Door
Psychic medium Nellie Walter is one very gifted person, yet she’s the kind of person who could be your next door neighbor. That’s the amazing thing about the time we live in now: more and more people are stepping into their energetic and psychic talents, and offering the gift of connecting with those we love who have transitioned to the Other Side to far more people. If you’ve ever tried to get a reading from a “big name” psychic, you know that the waiting time can be from years to never. So, look around. Ask for referrals in your neighborhood, your community, your city and county rather than seeking out celebrity psychics and movie mediums. Because, as you listen to my conversation with Nellie, who only lives 20 miles from my house, you’ll find that connecting with your loved ones on the Other Side is just that close.